What are the Top Universities to Study Engineering in Germany?


Germany is an excellent place for young students to study engineering. The country is having the best universities which are recognized among the best universities in the world. There are very large numbers of industry leaders based and are operating in Germany. The local universities are maintaining a healthy relationship with these companies and many of the graduates of these universities have been placed in these large companies. Moreover, you will be able to live a unique experience in a different and vibrant country like Germany. Below we have listed the top universities for you to study engineering inGermany


The TechnischeUniversitatMunchen shortly referred to as TUM was founded in 1868 and is constantly ranked among the best universities in the world. This university provides study programs from a broad variety of engineering disciplines at all academic levels. Home to many leading researchers, flexible and highly research-oriented degree courses, and located in an extremely advanced industrial ecosystem make this university a dream for all aspiring future engineers.

Engineering study programs at the TUM include the research areas such as:

·         Mobility and Infrastructure

·         Environment and Climate

·         Energy and Raw Materials


KarlsruherInstitut fur Technologie

In 2009, the Karlsruhe Research Center and University of Karlsruher united to become the KarlsruherInstitut fur Technologie. And soon this university was recognized as one of the best engineering schools in Germany.

At KarlsruherInstitut fur Technologie, you can choose to study engineering in Germany from the various degree courses covering a broad collection of engineering disciplines, including: 

·         Electrical Engineering

·         Computer Engineering

·         Construction Engineering

·         Materials Science

·         Mechanical Engineering

RWTH Aachen

The broad range of engineering degrees, highly research-oriented study modules, innovative educative programs as well as modern facilities are some of the main things that make RWTH Aachen one of the best engineering schools in Germany.

The Engineering courses available to study engineering in Germany at the RWTH Aachen are:

·         Automotive Engineering and Transport

·         Computational Engineering Science BSc

·         Mechanical Engineering BSc

·         Aeronautical Engineering

·         Technical Communication BSc

·         Energy Engineering MSc




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